Week 19: Dirty/Clean
While India is certainly full of beauty, there is absolutely no denying or arguing against the fact that India is one dirty place. With over a billion people and many environmental issues plaguing the country, India is in some serious trouble when it comes to the environment.
Black smokes pumps out of vehicles and fills the streets, leaving people literally blackened. I read that air pollution in many Indian cities has measured more than double the maximum safe level recommended by the WHO. The streets are a bad place to be, but are exactly where everybody is, selling their goods, eating, and living. Garbage is chucked nonchalantly onto the streets, animals are rummaging around eating the garbage and there seems to be a general lack of care for the cleanliness of the streets.
But the pollution on the streets does not compare to the waters. Pollution in India’s waters, especially the rivers, is possibly the biggest threat to public health. In Varanasi (or ‘Varanasty’ as our friend Javeed lovingly refers to it), where the Ganges River flows, the ‘dirty’ is ever present.
The Ganges, the holiest place for Hindus, is filthy. The Ganges is, ‘Mother’, to Hindus. She delivers happiness, salvation and is an intrinsic part of many devotees’ lives. They come to the river to pray, bathe, and even to die. This water is also sipped by some, which is incredible given the state the river is in.
Parts of the river are actually septic meaning that no dissolved oxygen exists. There are approximately 32 points of raw sewage in Varanasi alone, flowing directly into where people come to take their holy dips. I read that water that is safe to bathe in should have less than 500 faecal coliform bacteria (yes, we’re talking about shit particles now) per litre, but in the Ganges there are 1.5 million.
Clean up the Ganges, that’s what I say.
Having spent the last leg of our trip in India dodging cow and dog shit on the roads, passing endless piles of smellllllllly trash and generally feeling pretty disgusting, it sure was nice to come home to a clean house, a clean bed and my neat freak of a father.
Calling my dad a ‘neat freak’ may actually be an understatement. He is an all-out machine when it comes to cleanliness and order. His motto is and if only you could hear him say this with his no bullshit face, ‘you see a mess, you clean it up!’. We live by this motto at our house.
The lawn is cut in perfect diagonal lines, the sinks are cleaned out after (almost) every use, beds are always made, cups and food are not left out and about, and the dishes after all meals and snacks are washed (by hand) immediately. Every cupboard, shelf and desk top is organized. Most often my dad can be found dusting, sweeping, and picking up dog hair and keeping the house spotless. We won’t talk about his cars at this point because really, that’s a WHOLE other story.
So tell us, are you a neat-freak or do you live on the wild side and let the mess accumulate a little?
Since I'm sitting here looking at two very large piles of laundry on my floor, empty bottles to be cleaned, and general mess in every direction I'd have to say that we are the kind of family that is messy...definitely not neat freaks :)
Welcome back!
I used to be a clean / neat freak to the extreme but I was forced to become one of the messy masses for fear I'd turn obsessive compulsive. Now, my clothes feel more at home on a floor than in a wardrobe.
I remember thinking, when I move out I can't wait to not have to make my bed everyday or do the dishes right after a meal. Then when I did move out I realized that I do need to keeps things neat and tidy. I am definitely a neat freak. Not on the same level as my father but I am still a classified neat freak. I like to get into a made bed at night and I like to keep things neat and organized. All the years living with a neat freak have definitely rubbed off on me.
Mary I'd like to borrow your Dad. My goal in life is to be neat ~~ not a neat freak ~~ just much neater.
India sounds disgusting I've no idea how you & Ben could hae stayed so long on tour.
Thanks for the post look forward to the next.
** Hope to finally meet you Thurs. If not pop by when @ farm
Thanks for the comments, everyone.
I am mostly neat and I love a little organization and a clean home.
However, my dad might tell you otherwise, like when I forget to clean my used cup.. or gulp... it takes me until lunch time to make my bed.
Dear Mar !
Is that a picture of your dear house where we used to have sleep-overs and B-day parties ....please say yes !
Oh, nostalgia is the sweetest :-)
ps: India has nothing on my room, totally embarrassed !
Renata, it's the same house!
A) 1.5 million shit bacteria per litre in the Ganges eh? That's one of the few "fun facts" that actually made me want to gag when I visualized people bathing in it. Just because it's holy doesn't mean its healthy?
B) Every time we visit your place, Jake and I are always throughly impressed with your Dad's landscaping. The "lawn is cut in perfect diagonal lines" part made me go, "YESSSSS".
I'm 1/4 slob, 1/4 pack rat and 1/2 clean freak. Don't ask me how that works, but I often find they compete with each other ;)
Total neat freak! =)
^that was me! =)
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