Thursday, May 27, 2010

Week 12: Wet/Dry

Wet/Dry (Mary)

Southeast Asia has two seasons: the hot & dry and the hot & wet. We’re currently baking in the hot and dry season and really craving a little rain (although, sadly, we likely won’t experience much of this until we get to Sri Lanka in July).

During our three months of traveling in this hot season, we’ve experienced the dry, dryer, and driest areas of this landscape. Fields are brown and sun-scorched, dust swirls in the streets (and into our nostrils and eyeballs), lakes evaporate and the earth cracks and crumbles.

Soon, the rain will come. New life will sprout up, the air will clear and the ground will drink its fill.

What is it that quenches your thirst when you feel parched? What fills you up?

Wet/Dry (Sarah)

I don't have anything to say about being wet or dry really, they both have their time and place.

But the thing I do see in both of these images is the way that the sunlight transforms something simple into something lovely.

There have been several moments in my life that I have looked at something that I've seen many times (and perhaps never taken proper notice of before) in an entirely different way. The way an object or person is illuminated or cast into shadow, the atmosphere, the sounds or smells that are present can all play a role in how you see something, or someone.

When was the last time you saw a person, place or thing in a different light? How or why did it change? Was it you that changed, or them, or it?

"The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it" Marcus Aurelius Antoninus


Meaggie Mae May 28, 2010 at 4:16 AM  

Mary, as usual beautiful photos!
What quenches me when I feel parched? One of two things: water to drink OR water to swim in, dip my feet in, or splash on my face.
What fills me up? I'll let you know when i do.

Sare, as you are well aware I saw a person in a different light today! yay me right?
Why did it change, well for many reasons which I shouldn't discuss on here, but the main reason being that this person slapped me in the face by taking a creative project we had created together and starting it with other friends and calling it their own. Not cool. I can say that it was definitely NOT me that changed in this particular situation. Shady shady people.
But that's the wonderful way of the world right!?

Mary May 28, 2010 at 10:51 PM  

Both of these pictures, Sare, are indeed lovely and I LOVE that quote. I've been collecting pieces of good writing, quotes and inspiration during our travels and this little quote is puuuuurfect. Our life is what our thoughts, (AND ACTIONS!!!) make it.

So often I think we take our surroundings, companions and situations for granted. It's not until they're gone that we realize how AMAZING they are. So, opening our eyes (and our hearts) as often as we can is such an important thing to remember to do.

Also, I wanted to include this in my post but forgot, so I'll add it here.

The picture on the left was taken back in the Cameron Highlands, Malaysia. I could not find myself the 'wet' picture I was looking for this week.

The 'dry' picture on the right was taken this week at Angkor Wat. It's a dried up mote that is usually full of water during the wet season.

And to answer my own question: what fills me up?

The comfort I feel when I am surrounded by family and good friends. Nothing beats it.

I love and miss you all.

luna pie May 29, 2010 at 8:20 AM  

What fills me up? A glass of red wine, the comfort of home, my sweet baby's giggles, reunions, unexpected beauty, our project... :)

Mar, your pictures are gorgeous and that cracked earth makes me want to drink an ocean... (ya, I know it's salt water, but still...)

turtlestack May 31, 2010 at 3:02 AM  

Both of your posts make me think about balance. I remember dry season, where moisture was sucked out of the pores, lips cracked and the body longed for rain. Then rainy season hit, relentless downpours leaving mind, body and spirit soaked, water-logged. The joy is in the balance, a fine rain on a sunny day.

Same with light and dark, all or one and we miss the shades of colour, the shadow play of light and dark.

To answer your question, Mary. What quenches my thirst? Physically: water. Metaphysically:wonder, questions and not knowing. Hope, too, I think.

To answer yours, Sarah, I find every moment is change, a river flowing, sometimes far too fast. From the start of this entry to the end things have changed, more light through my window, a baby robin, mouth opened received breakfast, I finished a cup of tea in my favourite mug and I communed with my children spread throughout the universe. All in all, some lovely changes, wouldn't you say.

Lee-Anne May 31, 2010 at 10:52 AM  

Mary: On hot days like the ones we've been having here in Toronto, I find myself really craving a tall glass of lemonade!
What fills me? Knowledge and the never ending search for it, laughter, good food, love from family and friends, new experiences/adventures, a kind act from a stranger, name just a few =)

Sarah: In the past I've had trouble wrapping my brain around change - we seem to have a love/hate relationship at best.
I am mostly a creature of habit, who needs organization, a plan. But! as I get older I have come to realize that there is another (albeit much smaller and quieter) part of me that craves spontaneous adventure and excitement, new experiences unforeseen or predicted/planned.
The trouble for me is learning when to let one side win over the other!


Grammy June 2, 2010 at 3:43 AM  

Incredible creative dynamic ladies!!! You sure do have gifts with words & pictures!!
I feel the same way Mary does when surrounded by my family and my good friends. I get this feeling that I'm so full inside that I have no room left & that my chest can't expand any more. So I'm filled right up.

benldt June 2, 2010 at 6:49 PM  

Hey gals! Great pictures this week :) Bar: This whole wide world is what fills me up, along with most that's in it. Sis: I think how I see things is always in constant flux.

Mar, I think your set may just be my favourite pairing of the whole series thus far!

turtlestack June 3, 2010 at 2:07 AM  

My favourite so far of Mary's is Orange/Blue

Mary June 4, 2010 at 10:01 PM  


Thank you, guys.

I think this is one of my favourites thus far.

Sare, I read over our list for the upcoming weeks all the time and the pairings to come really excite me. My mind is already spinning with ideas.

Love, love, love to you all!

Charlene June 5, 2010 at 7:45 PM  

Mary I love your wet dry pics!!
As for what quenches my thirst ~~ ice water or lemonade

Sarah: I LOVE how the "world" looks after a Spring rain.

Tonite after Mass we took a drive to Fenlon Falls & ohhhhhhhhhhhhh the sky was full of fluffy clouds & the most awesome shades of blue I'd ever encountered.
Just being with family & chatting over a meal seemed great too :o)

Mmmmmmmmmmmm can't wait for next weeks opposites.

PS: Hey gals check out my blog have before & after pix of our yard/gardens etc.

About the Project

As a way to stay connected through our travels and beyond, A Perspective Project was initiated by the desire to master our cameras, and to be creative and more observant of the world around us.


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