Sunday, May 2, 2010

Week 8: Day/Night

Day/Night (Sarah)

This is one of those things I love morning, noon or night. Coffee. And, more specifically this delicious warm liquid slinking it's way into my belly while I am curled up in a cozy chair and gazing out a window. I love coffee shops. I like them dimly lit or bright and buzzing.

I love the smell of freshly ground beans, old perfume and the hint of conversations past still clinging to the walls. Coffee shops are full - full of people, full of noise or full of quiet, full of stories... often open, and always inviting.

It's a place for friends old and new, for first dates, and last arguments - for opening doors and closing others. It's a place for the 'regular' or a happenstance passerby. It's an escape or a refuge. A place for cramming students, writers, readers and artists alike. It's for people seeking people, or for people seeking space.

Day or night, where is your soft place to land?

Day/Night (Mary)

It’s neither day nor night that I look forward to most in my day. It’s the in between time. It’s the just-before day break or that still moment on the brink of night fall. It’s when the sun is either peeking through the clouds, just up over the horizon, or sneaking back down to make way for night, that I most enjoy.

In the early morning, when people start to emerge from their slumber, and the world begins to wake, I feel most excited (especially given my current circumstances of having no job and no requirements). I have the whole day ahead of me, a blank canvas and a few fleeting moments as the signal of that day. The possibilities are endless.

At dusk, on the other hand, when the sun has only just retreated, I feel equally excited, but in a new way, in a relaxed way. Most of the day has passed; everything is turning from that soft orange, into a pale, dark blue. Some things begin to quiet, while others just transform.

It’s during dusk and dawn, that I usually find myself reflecting. Sitting back, relaxing and taking in all of the wonderful things that are happening around me. They’re my favourite times of the day.

What about you? When do you find that time to take a moment?


Anonymous May 2, 2010 at 9:24 AM  

This project has now become part of my Sunday morning ritual of tea and postsecret.
I think it's great and look forward to reading more.
Hope you don't mind! =)


Mary May 2, 2010 at 10:04 AM  

We love that you're reading, Lee-Anne. Thanks so much!

Charlene May 2, 2010 at 2:17 PM  

Awsome pics & tales

Thought ya'd like to know that back here in Ont the month of April was extreemly dry (not even sure there was a day with rain). May has come in wet & dry ....yep both off & on and oh has it ever awakened the trees & all their blooms

Meaggie Mae May 2, 2010 at 7:24 PM  

Girls, I was so stoked this week to get a double whammy of both your photos and your writing.

These days my soft places to land tend to be in the comfort of my friends' warm embrace, peanut M&M's, green tea lattes, a crafty and cozy cafe, or in the joy of snapping sweet shots of all things amazing.

I love the way dusk and dawn look. The colours they bring to the sky, the perfect shadows they cast on us creatures down below. I also love love love the time in between where all expectations, hopes, and dreams are fulfilled, adventures are had, and maybe some ordered chaos is experienced.^^

I love your photos girls, and your writing is simply breathtaking.

love Meaggy

luna pie May 2, 2010 at 10:44 PM  

Mar, I'm totally there ~ the space between, the place amid the extreme. I can't say that I have seen many sunrises, but this has begun to change since motherhood has me roaming the halls in the wee hours of the morning.
I love your photos as usual - there is always a soft, sighing quality about them.

Love you sista!

And, Lee-Anne, yes! Thanks for reading, and taking the time to comment too. We appreciate it. :)

Joanne May 5, 2010 at 4:31 PM  

I love the opposites theme you have!The photos are always amazing and thoughtful. I am trying to slow down and put more thought into my photos - yours are very inspirational! I cant wait to see next weeks installment.

Mary May 7, 2010 at 4:38 AM  


Thank you so much.


turtlestack May 7, 2010 at 7:05 PM  

Hey, for the past several years we've lived in each other's sunrises and sunsets.

For me it's those early morning hours, way before sunrise. This side of the hemisphere is sound asleep and I'm creating new worlds on the blank page.

Jinu and I had some lovely times, tucked on loveseat in my office in the wee morning hours. He was a great editor.

About the Project

As a way to stay connected through our travels and beyond, A Perspective Project was initiated by the desire to master our cameras, and to be creative and more observant of the world around us.


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